
Life begins at forty.

Now I’m nearly there I thought I’d investigate why people use this saying??
This is my favourite (but not neccessarily true) answer!
“People say life starts at 40 because hopefully, by the age of 40 we have learned and matured enough to really enjoy life, without repeating mistakes and with the knowledge of our years…..in 40 years, we should have learned enough to truly know what we seek and what truly makes us happy….and hopefully, at the age of 40…we will be able to go after it and obtain it……
It is about wisdom and experience my friend……..”
What can I say about my 30’s..
They didn’t start off too great, but in the last five years I have got more than I ever dreamed possible.
I met a wonderful man, who made me learn to trust again.
We made two miracles together, our beautiful children.
We got married....

I am now forty years and one day old.
Do I feel any different?
Am I now more mature?
Erm...ask my friend what happened tonight at Pilates when the instructor farted??
Did I act politely and pretend I hadn't heard?? Did I hell!
Pass the tena lady!!


  1. So with you on this! I am almost 41, which means I am a true authority on life at 40 and nowhere in the rule book does it say you have to be mature and lose your sense of humor!! What is it about farting that is still so funny, no matter what your age?! And why do people fart in Pilates and not say excuse me, pretending nothing has happened?!

    1. I know!! It was one of those moments where you think did she really do that??? Then you see your friends face and fall apart laughing!!
